January / February 2024
Each month, MBU’s medical/health and wellness navigator Christine Flory will share events, insights, and strategies on a variety of health-related topics with faculty and staff.
See below for the latest health and wellness news, and reach out to Christine at x7167 or cmflory@marybaldwin.edu.
You can also follow MBU health and wellness on Instagram.
Additional info is available on the MBU health and wellness website, plus recordings of Wellness Wednesday sessions and all-levels yoga classes.

Mark your calendars for a free all-levels class! Yoga with Christine: 1-1:45 pm on Jan. 30 at the Physical Activities Center.
Selfcare Strategy for Navigating the Holidays
Remember to enjoy the holidays but still focus on eating nourishing foods. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, they can coexist. Check in and bring awareness to whether or not you’re consuming fruits and vegetables regularly. Focus on adding things in vs. taking them away!
New Wellness Portal for Faculty/ Staff: Coming in February 2024
Health Advocate will be replacing the WebMD wellness portal beginning on Feb. 1, 2024.
When the portal goes live on Feb. 1, you can create your account and backlog any activities that qualify you for the Q1 wellness incentive (January – March 2024).
Email questions about the new portal to Wellness Coordinator Christine Flory at cmflory@marybaldwin.edu.
Anthem EAP Webinars
Webinar Recordings
To view a seminar on demand, go to anthemeap.com and enter your company code: MBU
You’ll find a link to these and other seminars on the homepage.
View the seminars on demand — anytime, anywhere. Submit a question and receive a response via email. Questions are logged in a FAQ section, so you can browse and learn from the questions of others.
September recording
- Topic: Mindfulness
- Watch Here
October recording
- Topic: Depression
- Watch Here
November recording
- Topic: Holiday Survival Guide
- Watch Here
December recording
- Topic: Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
- Watch Here
Don’t forget you have access to EAP and Talk Space!
These services provide in-network virtual EAP support for counseling and therapy.
Talkspace offers private and convenient mental health support on your schedule. Engage in counseling, therapy, and medication services from the convenience of your device (iOS, Android, web).
All care is delivered virtually by a behavioral health clinician or medical professional. Talkspace’s network includes thousands of licensed, insured, and verified therapists and prescribers who can treat a variety of needs.
Upcoming MBU Wellness Events
Coloring and Coffee
12-12:30 p.m. on Jan. 18 at Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences

January De-Stress Event: Play-doh Power Hour
12:15-1 p.m. on Jan. 25 on the mezzanine at Hunt Dining Hall
We’ll have a wide selection of PlayDoh and magic sand!

Yoga with Christine
1-1:45 pm on Jan. 30 at the Physical Activities Center