PA Mission and Vision


The mission of the Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MSPA) Program at Mary Baldwin University is to academically and clinically prepare students for PA practice as compassionate, effective, qualified clinicians able to serve in a variety of medical specialty areas and settings in collaboration with licensed physicians.

This mission is accomplished in an environment promoting diversity along with respect for self and others. The MSPA program is committed to leadership, interprofessional education, and collaborative practice.

The program’s mission is realized in a dynamic and holistic learning environment dedicated to critical reasoning, engaged learning and scholarship, and innovative teaching with a strong commitment to service, especially for those in underserved or disadvantaged areas. Veritably, the program holds that the primary goal of medical training is service to humanity.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The MSPA program agrees with AAPA’s commitment to “Promoting equity and justice in healthcare exemplifies the values of the PA profession and is the responsibility of each and every PA.” We strive to be a community that welcomes everyone and advocates for equitable healthcare.