Inauguration 2024: FAQS
While Inauguration activities are happening on Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18, the official ceremony will take place on Friday, October 18 at 10 a.m. on Page Terrace, followed by a reception on the Main Administration Building Lawn.
Most Inauguration events are free to attend, including the ceremony and reception. As Inauguration will take place during Homecoming weekend, please refer to specific events for any associated costs.
MBU has reserved several discounted rates at area hotel properties for both Inauguration and Homecoming guests. Please visit this page to see the list of area accommodations and pricing details.
Please check-in at the Alumnae House on campus to receive your official registration packet. Guests with special seating at the Inauguration Ceremony will also receive details related to their seat assignments.
Parking will be open and available in any campus lot throughout the entire weekend and at no cost. Please pay attention to any designated fire lanes and handicap areas. Street parking is also available at no charge. Click here to view our campus map.
Yes, we will have a livestream link available on the Inauguration website when available.