Judy Klein, professor of economics
A book, How Reason Almost Lost its Mind: The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality, co-authored with her summer 2010 colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, The University of Chicago Press. |
Paul Menzer, director of the MLitt/MFA program in Shakespeare and Performance
An invited lecture at Harvard University, November 8.An invited lecture at Georgetown University, November 14.An invited lecture at The University of York (United Kingdom), November 20.An invited lecture at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford upon Avon, November 28. |
Daniel Metraux, professor of Asian studies
An article, “The very dangerous Senkaku Island Dispute between China and Japan,” to be published in the 2013 issue of The Southeast Review of Asian Studies. |
Joe Sprangel, assistant professor of business administration
Presented summer research fellows project, “A Public Perception of the Benefit Corporation Model as a Viable Approach for Business in Greater Augusta County,” with business student Astrid Salarda, the 10th Annual NYU-Stern Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, November 7, New York City. |