Health and Wellness Updates: September 2022

Each month, MBU’s medical/health and wellness navigator Christine Flory will share events, insights, and strategies on a variety of health-related topics with faculty and staff.

Scroll down for September’s health and wellness news, and reach out to Christine at x7167 or Additional info is available on the MBU health and wellness website.

Interested in a lunchtime 30–40 minute ALL LEVELS yoga class? Email Christine and let her know. Photo credit: Надя Кисільова on Unsplash

Flu Shot Clinic

When: October 5
Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Student Activities Center (SAC) Ballroom

Faculty and staff may bring their insurance information to receive the shots without out-of-pocket costs. 

The vaccines are offered on a first come, first served basis. No appointments are necessary. MBU has partnered with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to offer this important health service to the community. 

2022 On-Site Biometric Screenings *Spots Limited*

Date: October 18 and 19
Time: 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Location: SAC Ballroom

Registration is still open!

Participants can sign up by logging into the WebMD Portal at You can then click on the biometric screening service card.

PCP forms are also available for download and secure upload for MBU faculty and staff, if you prefer to see your own provider. Allowable exam dates are from 1/1/22 through 12/31/22.

Friendly Reminder: Please Log Your Wellness Activities

Please log your wellness activities for quarter three (7/1/2022 through 9/30/2022).

The deadline to submit your activities is 9/30/2022 in the WebMD portal. Directions on how to create an account are below.

  • You can find instructions for setting up your WebMD account at and click on “Create Account” to register.
  • Your Registration ID is your date of birth in MMDDYYYY format followed by the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number.
  • If you need assistance with your WebMD account, please reach out to their support line at 866-513-2505.

There is also an app called: Wellness at Your Side. You can self-attest here, as well and view your wellness portal.


Upcoming EAP Webinars for October and November

  • Available on demand starting October 18: Navigating Your Holidays
    • Learn some effective ways to plan, organize, and make the most of your holiday.
  • Available on demand starting November 22: The Sandwich Generation at Work
    • Find out some practical and effective strategies to balance your work and personal life as working caregivers in the sandwich generation.

To view a seminar on demand, go to and enter your company code: MBU

You’ll find a link to these and other seminars on the homepage.

Faculty/Staff Lunchtime Yoga?

Interested in a lunchtime 30–40 minute ALL LEVELS yoga class? Email Christine at and let her know.

Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness

The physical dimension recognizes the need for regular physical activity. Physical development encourages learning about eating and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Optimal wellness is met through the combination of exercise and eating habits. As you travel the wellness path, you’ll strive to spend time building physical strength, flexibility, and endurance while also taking safety precautions so you may travel your path successfully, including medical self-care and the appropriate use of the medical system.

The physical dimension of wellness entails personal responsibility and care for minor illnesses and knowing when professional medical attention is needed. By traveling the wellness path, you’ll be able to monitor your own vital signs and understand your body’s warning signs. You’ll understand and appreciate the relationship between nourishing food and nutrition and how your body performs.

The physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination, and a sense of direction.

Physical wellness follows these tenets:

  • It is better to consume foods and beverages that enhance good health rather than those which impair it.
  • It is better to be physically fit than out of shape.

Consume a healthy diet and align with foods that nourish your body:

  • Lean protein
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy fats

Be physically active:

  • Play sports and engage in movement you enjoy
  • Weight training
  • Running and walking
  • Yoga and meditation

Abstain from substance abuse:

  • Limit consumption of alcohol
  • Refrain from use of tobacco and non-prescription drugs

Get enough sleep and allow your body to heal from sickness and injury.

Reference: Six Dimensions of Wellness Model ©1976 by Bill Hettler, MD © National Wellness Institute, Inc. |