Chris Jenney

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Chris Jenney

BBA, East Tennessee State University; IMBA, University of South Carolina; MSc, Florida State University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University.

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Dr Jenney holds a Doctorate in Behavioral Neuroscience with a focus in substance use disorder. Jenney also holds master’s degrees in international business and nutrition science. He is a seasoned lecturer, having taught a wide range of neuroscience and psychology courses, from introductory classes on general themes, to topic-specific courses on addiction, drugs and behavior, biopsychology, learning & memory, neuroeconomics, industrial/organizational psychology, and upper-level classes in research methods. Jenney’s research interests include nutritional interventions for substance addictions and psychological disorders, and antecedents to poor decision making. He has consulted for nutrition-related non-profits. In his previous career, he gained years of experience in management and consulting in product development and international sourcing. Dr. Jenney enjoys spending time traveling with his wife, gardening, and wine making. A native English speaker, Dr. Jenney is also fluent in Spanish.