Kerry Mills

Assistant Professor, Art History; Chair, Art 540-887-7161
Kerry Mills

BS, BFA, MA, Virginia Commonwealth University

Kerry Mills is an Assistant Professor of Art History and Chair of Mary Baldwin’s Art Department. Kerry received her Masters of Arts in Art History from Virginia Commonwealth University with a focus in American Art and Modernism. While writing her Master’s thesis, “Reconsidering Barret Newman,” Kerry was awarded a Fellowship from the National Museum of American Art at the Smithsonian. Her research includes interviews with Clement Greenberg, Irving Sandler, Jules Olitski, Richard Carylon, Annalee Newman and Helen Frankenthaler. She has presented at The South Eastern College Art Conference three times, was a Graduate Lecturer at the National Gallery of Art, co-curated numerous shows in Richmond and New York, and continues to work with galleries in Richmond on exhibitions and projects. She has published numerous critical essays in art publications including New Art Examiner and Art Papers. Currently, she is working with the archives of Davi Det Hompson’s estate and Virginia Commonwealth University to create a monograph on the artist, in addition to writing an article on his relationship with Fluxus Mail Art practices.

Kerry has received an MBU Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award and has been nominated for a Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges’ Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. In addition to leading and teaching in the Art Department, Kerry is a Faculty Adviser for MBU Online. She resides in Richmond, Va.