Paul Menzer, PhD

Provost and Professor of Shakespeare and Performance

Paul Menzer is provost of Mary Baldwin University and professor of Shakespeare and Performance. He is the editor of Inside Shakespeare: Essays on the Blackfriars Stage (2006), Romeo and Juliet (2017), and Doctor Faustus (2018). He is author of The Hamlets: Cues, Q’s, and Remembered Texts (2008), Anecdotal Shakespeare: a New Performance History (2015), Shakespeare in the Theatre: The American Shakespeare Center (2016) and of dozens of articles, essays, reviews, and chapters on theatre history, textual criticism, and performance studies. He is past President of the Marlowe Society of America and the founding co-editor of The Hare, an online journal of brief essays and untimely reviews. He also serves on the Editorial Board of Shakespeare Quarterly. He is also a practicing playwright and his plays AnonymousThe Brats of ClarenceShakespeare on Ice, Invisible Inc., and Robin Hood is Dead have appeared on the Blackfriars stage and elsewhere. He has two forthcoming books, The Brief Life of William Shakespeare and Shakespeare’s Enemies.