Research Compliance

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Using Human Subjects in Research

The Mary Baldwin University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for the oversight of all research activities that involve human research subjects.

The Mary Baldwin IRB is registered with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS IRB00004838 and IOR0004078). Mary Baldwin has a Federal Wide Assurance (FWA # 00008717) from the Office of Human Research Protection at DHHS.

How do I know if I need IRB approval for my research project?

Any member of the Mary Baldwin community – faculty, staff, or student – who is planning to conduct a research project that involves the collection of specimens or data from living human participants must submit a research proposal to the Mary Baldwin University IRB.

Please use the checklist (linked below) to determine if your project is considered human subjects research and which form to use for your submission.

If your proposed project involves human subjects research, you must obtain formal IRB approval PRIOR to beginning data collection. Most external funding agencies require that IRB approval be in place prior to the submission of a grant proposal.

Contact the IRB

You can also reach out to:
Leslie Edwards, 540-887-4121

Program Administrator
Nurse Anesthesiology Program
Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences
Mary Baldwin University

Animal Care and Use

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for the oversight of all research activities at Mary Baldwin University that involve animals.

The university’s Animal Welfare Assurance is the key document governing institutional use of research animals. This Assurance was submitted in compliance with the Public Health Service’s Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and was approved by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW A-4452-01). The university is also registered with the USDA in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act (#52-R-0111).

IACUC approval must be obtained PRIOR to the initiation of research projects involving vertebrate animals.

Do I need IACUC approval for my research?

If a proposed research project involves vertebrate animals (warm- or cold-blooded), you must obtain IACUC approval prior to beginning research, or, if outside funding is involved, prior to submitting a grant proposal to an external funding agency (public or private).

How do I obtain IACUC approval?

To obtain IACUC approval, you must show proof of satisfactory completion of appropriate training and submit a detailed research plan (a “protocol submission form“). Allow plenty of time before your proposed start date or proposal due date (two to three weeks). Some projects must be reviewed at a convened IACUC meeting and revisions are sometimes necessary.

Notice of Animal Welfare Compliance

Mary Baldwin University’s compliance with the Public Health Service’s Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is supervised by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Concerns regarding the care and treatment of animals used in research or teaching at the university may be reported to the individuals listed below. Concerns may be reported anonymously. The IACUC guarantees that a reporting individual will be protected against reprisal in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act.

Maria Craig, PhD, IACUC Chair
122 Pearce

Research Ethics

Mary Baldwin University strongly encourages using research as a tool to advance academic knowledge. As a result it is imperative that the research environment provide support for researchers pursuing that knowledge and prohibit activities that may affect the integrity of that goal. Research misconduct is a serious threat to this environment and is not tolerated by the college.

When allegations of research misconduct are made, Mary Baldwin University is committed to a thorough investigation into such allegations while protecting the rights of all involved.

Who do I contact if I am concerned about a potential violation?

Expressions of concern involving issues of research misconduct should be directed to the university’s academic leadership, Dean of the Faculty Paul Menzer or Chief Academic Officer Will Webb.

What happens next?

Academic leadership shall determine whether the misconduct potentially involves federally funded projects. If so these officials will charge a committee to conduct an inquiry to determine whether the allegation can be substantiated with sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation.

What if the inquiry justifies an investigation?

If an investigation is justified, academic leadership will establish a committee composed of three tenured/term contract members of the faculty to determine whether misconduct has occurred. Investigations will be conducted with the utmost discretion.

What happens if the committee finds that misconduct has occurred?

Academic leadership shall recommend appropriate sanctions on the individual(s) involved to the president. Any sanction imposed by the president shall be consistent with the provisions of the Faculty Handbook, the Staff Handbook, or the Student Handbook as appropriate.

What happens if the committee finds that misconduct has not occurred?

Mary Baldwin University will make every effort to protect to the maximum possible extent the positions and reputations of those persons who, in good faith, make allegations of scientific misconduct. Mary Baldwin University will also make every effort to the maximum possible extent to protect the positions and restore the reputations of persons alleged to have engaged in scientific misconduct when allegations are not confirmed.