Parking Information
These regulations govern the registration, parking, operation, use, and removal of motor vehicles on Mary Baldwin University (MBU) Staunton campus properties. The Campus Safety office maintains these parking regulations with the goal of assuring that ample parking is available at all times. Parking on the MBU campus is a privilege, available on a first come/first served basis, and in accordance with the rules and regulations outlined below. Parking Permits are color coded and may provide restrictions for parking in certain locations upon campus.
Vehicle Registration
Vehicle Registration
All members of the University community MUST register motor vehicles with the university Campus Safety office and display a valid/current parking permit on their vehicle to park on campus. A Visitor Parking Pass is needed for daytime and overnight guests.
How to register a vehicle:
- Student vehicle registration can be made online at the following link: Vehicle Registration
- Prepaid permits will be distributed with student IDs on move-in days, and at the Campus
Safety Office during the academic year. - Faculty and staff can register via email to or in person during business hours of M-F, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Visitor parking passes are available at the Campus Safety office 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Parking Permit Fees and Colors
Parking Permit Fees and Colors
- Residential Students (upper class): Yellow / $60/year
- Freshman Residential Students: Green / $60/year
- Commuter Students: Purple / $ 30/year
- Faculty / Staff: Gray / $0/year
- Replacement Decal: $5.00
- Note: Remnants of a damaged decal must be turned in to the Campus Safety office.
Parking permit info:
- There is no reduced fee for a single semester permit. Permits are valid for the academic year and expire on May 31.
- Faculty/Staff do not need to renew their pass annually. If you obtain a new vehicle or change vehicle license plates, the Campus Safety Office MUST be notified within three (3) business days of the change.
- Residential students may only register and possess ONE vehicle on campus.
- Commuter students may register two vehicles if they utilize different owned vehicles to travel to and from campus. Proof of ownership by State Issued Vehicle Registration for both vehicles is required and individual parking permits must be obtained.
Displaying of parking permit decal:
- The final step to vehicle registration is displaying your parking permit. The parking permit is an exterior mount sticker.
- The parking permit needs to be placed on the LOWER LEFT portion of the REAR windshield of your vehicle.
- Motorcycle or moped display will be located on the right front fork.
- Visitor Parking Passes must be displayed on the interior dashboard of the vehicle with the written information facing outward for visibility through the front windshield.
Where to Park
Where to Park
MBU parking lots are identified by name and possess a sign with color block indicators that relate to the colors of issued parking permits. You may only park in a parking lot that displays the same color block as your parking permit you were issued.
Freshman Residential Parking (GREEN):
- Westmoreland parking lot
- Points Street parking lot
Freshman Residential Students are restricted to parking in only these two parking lots at
any hour of the day or week. No exceptions.
Residential Students – Upper Class (YELLOW):
- Skyline I parking lot
- Kable Residence Hall parking lot
Only upper class residential students may park in Skyline I and Kable Residence Hall lots. Residential students (upper class) may also park in any other parking lot marked as General Parking and displaying a yellow color block, with the exception of any space specifically designated as Faculty/Staff parking (gray).
Commuter Student (PURPLE):
May park in any General Parking lot displaying a purple color block with the exception of any space specifically designated as Faculty/Staff parking (gray).
Weekends and Nights:
Students (YELLOW/PURPLE), may park in the GRAFTON lot and SAC lot only during the following time frames:
- Weekends: Friday 5 p.m. – Monday 7 a.m.
- Nights: Monday – Thursday from 5 p.m. – 7 a.m.
Freshman Residential (GREEN) may NOT park in these lots at any time.
Faculty/Staff (GRAY):
- Grafton parking lot
- SAC parking lot
- Spencer parking lot
- Alumnae House parking lot
Faculty/Staff also have reserved designated spaces in the Skyline II parking lot on the Market St. edge of the parking lot. Faculty/Staff may also park in any parking lot marked as General Parking displaying a gray color block.
Visitor Parking Pass (WHITE with letter “V”):
Visitors may park in any General Parking area displaying a white color block with the letter “V” in the block, with the exception of any space designated as Faculty/Staff (GRAY) color block. Designated visitor spaces are also available in the SAC parking lot and on Market Street in front of Rose Terrace.
General Parking (YELLOW, PURPLE, GRAY, WHITE):
- Skyline II lot
- Skyline III lot
- Westmoreland lot
- Tullidge Residence Hall lot
- MBU Online lot
- Points Street lot
- Alumnae House lot
- Kable Street (you may only park on the side of the street that’s adjacent to the Alumnae House)
- Physical Activities Center (PAC); while the building is open. Any vehicles remaining after the building has closed for the night will be ticketed.
No Parking Areas:
The Spencer lot is 24 hour/7 day a week faculty/staff parking areas and is not available for any student parking.
In addition, MBU students may NOT park on the following city streets surrounding the campus, even if the vehicle displays a City of Staunton Parking permit. MBU parking regulations void the ability to park on the following streets for MBU students and faculty/staff:
- Tams Street
- North side (adjacent to Bowman House) of Kable Street
- Sycamore Street
- Vine Street
- Berkley Place
- Coalter Street (100 to 300 blocks)
- North Market Street (block between Academy St and Prospect St)
- Prospect Street (100 to 300 blocks)
- Woodrow Wilson Birthplace parking lot; City of Staunton Permit does not apply
- Saint Francis Church parking lot; City of Staunton Permit does not apply
All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to not park in these areas as a respect to our residential neighbors and community relations.
Additional Parking Information and Regulations
Additional Parking Information and Regulations
A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space in any particular lot. The inability to find a legal parking space within a particular lot is not a valid reason for parking in violation of any parking regulations. Parking is on a first come/first serve basis.
Students are responsible for violations committed by any person using their vehicle, or by any guest they have on campus.
A parking permit is no longer valid when a student is withdrawn from the university or when a faculty or staff member’s employment is terminated.
Timely notices may be issued during the year by the Campus Safety Office via mass email in regards to information about parking lot status and availability. It is your responsibility to comply with the message and request. Changes in a lot status will also be posted at the lot(s) affected.
Parking Violations and Fees
Parking Violations and Fees
Parking regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year and can be enforced at all times.
The following Parking Violations are enforced by Campus Safety Officers:
- Handicap Parking Only (see Code of Virginia 46.2-Chapter 12.1 for compliance standards in
Virginia) - Parked in a Fire Lane
- Parked on City Street
- Parking Boot Immobilization
- Faculty/Staff Designated
- Reserved Special Event
- Freshman Restriction
- Service Vehicle Only
- Undesignated Parking Area
- Unregistered Vehicle Decal
- Visitor Only
- (write in option / emergencies)
Parking Violation Fines:
- Handicap Parking Violation: $100/fine
- Fire Lane Violation: $50/fine
- All remaining parking violations: $30/fine
Five (5) parking violations for an unregistered vehicle within the academic year may result in the loss of parking privileges on campus for the remainder of the academic year.
- Upon issuance of the fifth violation for unregistered vehicle, Campus Safety shall immobilize your vehicle with a parking boot.
- An additional fee of $30.00 will be assessed for the removal of the parking boot.
- Any outstanding parking violation fees must also be paid before the parking boot is removed.
- Any vehicle that has been immobilized by a parking boot and has remained on campus for three (3) days after receiving the parking boot, will be towed and stored off campus at the owner’s expense.
Eight (8) parking violations within an academic year may result in the loss of parking privileges on campus for the remainder of the academic year.
- Upon issuance of the eighth violation, Campus Safety shall immobilize your vehicle with a parking boot.
- An additional fee of $30.00 will be assessed for the removal of the parking boot.
- Any outstanding parking violation fees must also be paid before the parking boot is removed.
- Any vehicle that has been immobilized by a parking boot and has remained on campus for three (3) days after receiving the parking boot, will be towed and stored off campus at the owner’s expense.
Paying Fines
Paying Fines
- Parking violation fines are considered financial obligations owed to the university and will be billed to the student account.
- Parking violation fine payments are made online using the MyMBU online account access
- Students are responsible for violations committed by any person using their vehicle, or by any guest they have on campus.
Parking Ticket Appeal:
Appeals must be made within 7 days of the issued ticket, appeal after this date will not be considered for processing.
The Parking Violation Appeal Form is an electronic process and can be found by clicking on the following link:
Parking Appeals go through the Office of Student Conduct and are processed by the Student Conduct Board. All decisions on an appeal are final and will be delivered via letter.
Additional Fees or Fines:
In addition to Campus Safety Officers, the City of Staunton Police Department may enforce Handicap Parking Space and Fire Lane violations on campus.
The Fire Marshal for the City of Staunton may enforce Fire Lane Violations. Any violation enforced by City of Staunton officials is outside the appeal and payment process of the University. You are responsible to follow the payment and/or appeal directions provided on a City of Staunton issued parking violation.
Towing and Emergencies
Towing and Emergencies
Your vehicle may be towed at your expense for the following reasons:
- Parking in a fire lane
- Blocking service entrances
- Parking in a restricted area, reserved, or no parking area
- Parking an unregistered vehicle on campus
- Having ten outstanding parking violations
- A vehicle found to be creating a safety hazard or impeding the movement of other vehicles
- Disabled vehicle that has not been approved to remain where it is located by Campus Safety or by the Office of Student Engagement.
The university reserves the right to move or remove when necessary, at university expense, any legally parked vehicle that interferes with a university function or an emergency situation on campus. The Campus Safety Office will attempt to notify the owner before this occurs.
NOTE: The University is not responsible for any damages occurring due to a tow made as a result of the above violation/situation.
- Vehicle Crash On Campus: If your vehicle is involved in a crash on campus, report the damage to the Campus Safety Office at 540-887-7000. A Campus Safety Officer will come to assess the scene, document the incident, and assist you with contacting the Staunton Police Department if desired.
- Disabled Vehicle: A disabled vehicle blocking the free flow of vehicle travel on campus must be immediately reported to the Campus Safety Office at 540-887-7000 and arrangements must be made for vehicle removal. A disabled vehicle legally parked in a parking lot must be reported to the Campus Safety Office and a timeline of repair or removal provided. No disabled vehicle may remain in an MBU parking lot in excess of three (3) days without written approval or a Campus Safety will attempt to assist in a dead battery situation, but will not in a lock out or repair/change flat tires.
Requesting Parking Space/Lot Reservations
Faculty and Staff Requests for Parking Space/Lot Reservations
If faculty and staff are in need of reserved parking spaces or lots for visitors or events, please follow the guidelines below:
- Any and all reservations need to be made 72 hrs. – one week in advance minimum to provide staff time for set up and sign creation.
- Requests need to be made directly to the campus safety director or
- Your request must include: What you need the signs to say; how many spaces are needed; or the lot that is needed, and the date(s) needed. (Example: “Please reserve 10 spaces in SAC Lot on Wednesday, 11/1. Signs can be labeled “BOT.”)
- Requests made less than 72 hrs. in advance: We will do our best to fulfill all requests, but proper signage or the reservation as a whole cannot be promised.
- Requests made less than 24 hrs. in advance will not be fulfilled unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Mary Baldwin University is not responsible for any damages that occur to vehicles on campus.
Parking policies revised 06/01/2023