Inclusive Excellence Mentoring Programs

The Office of Inclusive Excellence sponsors mentor programming that offers holistic support to students of color, such as academic and career advising, positive community relationships, and cross-cultural engagement.

Andrea-Cornett Scott at Kwanzaa at MBU 2010


“Ubuntu” is a concept that exemplifies the African proverb, “I am because we are. And since we are, therefore am I complete.” The Ubuntu mentoring program recognizes the interconnectedness of individuals, and seeks to connect African American and Latine student leaders with first-year students-of-color.


SquirrelFriends is a mentoring program that facilitates meaningful connections between students and Mary Baldwin alumnae. Mentors spend time with students when classes are not in session, on an online network, and at campus events.

Contact Us

Destiny Woodall (she/her)
Director, Office of Inclusive Excellence

Instagram: @marybaldwinoie

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