Commencement 2025: FAQs
Ceremony Information
MBU’s Commencement ceremony takes place at Barbara Kares Page Terrace below Hunt Hill (#27 on the campus map). Please note: The beautiful MBU campus is also VERY hilly.
Reminders for guests:
- You may want to bring a picnic blanket or towel to sit on.
- If lawn chairs are used, get there early to find a flat spot at the top of the hill.
- No airhorns or other noisemakers, please.
There will be unlimited, open seating for guests on Hunt Hill. No tickets are required to attend Commencement 2025.
Special accommodations seating does require advanced reservation and tickets (more info below).
Yes, both Commencement ceremonies will be livestreamed at and on MBU’s YouTube channel.
Guests are invited to view Commencement as it’s streamed on the big screen in Francis Auditorium, an air conditioned space with comfortable seats and wheelchair accommodations. The auditorium is a short walk from the ceremony area and is adjacent to Pearce Science Center. No reservations are necessary, but seating is limited.
The university presents Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards and the Martha S. Grafton Award at the undergraduate Commencement ceremony.
Among MBU’s highest honors, the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award is presented to a graduating senior who exhibits Sullivan’s ideals of heart, mind, and conduct as evidenced by a spirit of love for and helpfulness to others: “fine spiritual qualities, nobility of character – and unselfish service to the broad community.” An Algernon Sydney Sullivan Non-Student Award – recognizing unselfish service, noble character, and spiritual qualities – may also be awarded. The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award was originally established by the New York Southern Society in 1925, and is now presented at colleges and universities across the country.
The Grafton Award recognizes the senior who has achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) in the graduating class.
Additional award winners among the graduating class will be recognized by having their names read during both Commencement ceremonies.
Parking Information
The Grafton Library lot (P2 on the map) will be restricted to those with a DMV-issued handicap permit, placard, or license plate. The small Administration Building lot (P1) is reserved for emergency vehicles and the platform party.
All other MBU parking lots will be open and free for Commencement parking.

You can also find nearby parking in downtown Staunton. Parking in most city parking facilities and on the street is free on weekends (the New Street lot is $1.25 per hour). View a map of downtown parking or visit the city parking webpage.
Inclement Weather
In case of severe inclement weather, MBU will utilize a rain location (to be determined, check back for more details).
If the rain location will be used on Saturday or Sunday, graduating students will receive notification via text (sent through the BAM messaging system) and MBU email. A notification will also be posted on the MBU website. The timing for these communications will be at approximately 6:30 a.m. on the morning of the ceremony.
If Commencement moves to the rain location, the ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m.
Special Accommodations Seating
The request form for special accommodations seating is coming soon. Please email with questions.
People with limited mobility, or those who find walking on hills difficult, will likely find it easiest to arrive at Pearce Science Center and take the elevator through the building. The Grafton Library and small Administration Building lot will be restricted to those with a DMV-issued handicap permit, placard, or license plate; guests can also be dropped off near Pearce Science Center.
Ushers will be in the area to direct and assist guests to Page Terrace.
- The procession and recession require students to climb and descend a lot of steps. The lines of graduates move at a moderate pace but they do keep moving. If you have difficulties with stairs, you can join the line of graduates at the base of the steps OR you may request reserved seating near the podium.
- Please fill out this form to let us know, and you can contact Faculty Marshal Dr. Peter Ruiz-Haas at with any questions.
Ordering Regalia
Undergraduate students, and graduate students in education, business, and Shakespeare & Performance may obtain regalia through the MBU Campus Store, starting in early March.
Have questions about purchasing caps, gowns, hoods, etc.? Please reach out to the Campus Store at
Please note: Murphy Deming students have a different process, and may order regalia through the Oakhill website, starting in early March. Please contact your individual program with any questions.
Graduate Photos
MBU contracts with GradImages to provide photos of each graduate crossing the Commencement stage. They will be on site for both the graduate (Saturday) and undergraduate (Sunday) ceremonies. GradImages will be in touch with individual graduates after the ceremony with photo options and information on how to purchase prints. Send mailing address updates to
Graduates: What to do on Graduation Day
Arrive at Hunt Dining Hall on MBU’s main campus at 8 a.m. (Only students may enter; guests cannot accompany. Please do not bring personal items with you.)
- Arrive already robed. The bathrooms will be too crowded to use as a dressing room.
- Listen to weather reports and dress appropriately.
- Most participants will be seated in the sun. Consider wearing light weight clothing, sunscreen, and sunglasses if the forecast is for a warm, sunny day.
- Wear shoes that are comfortable for you to walk in up and down stairs.
- Make sure that you are hydrated. We will try to have water accessible to all.
- Undergraduates will wear their hoods. The hood goes over your head with the white velvet facing outwards and the yellow and white silk facing inwards.
- Graduate students: you will be hooded during your ceremony. For the academic procession, you will carry your hood draped over your LEFT arm.
- BSN students will be pinned at the ceremony. You should wear your hood for the procession.
- The cap sits straight / flat on your head. (Bring bobby pins to secure, if needed).
- For undergraduates, the tassel goes on right hand.
- For graduate students, the tassel goes on the left because you have already received your baccalaureate degree.
- All students in the procession must wear cap and gown.
- Only regalia that have official approval from the MBU regalia committee may be worn at graduation. Honor societies and other organizations at MBU may offer cords, pins or stoles. Check to see what your group is authorized to wear at graduation.
- If you are authorized to wear a cord, place it around your neck but under the hood.
- If you are authorized to wear a pin, place it on the upper left side of your gown.
- If you are authorized to wear a stole, place it under your hood.
- Undergraduates: YES! But there are some restrictions. Please read the guidelines carefully; we reserve the right to disallow the use of a decorated cap.
- Only the flat part of the cap may be decorated. The decorations themselves should be flat, not 3-D: Any decoration or embellishments over 1 inch in height will be considered 3-dimensional and will not be permitted. Nothing should hang down off the side of the cap (other than the tassel).
- Graduate students: Check with your individual program.
- Everyone must check in at the tables with representatives from the Registrar’s Office.
- You will receive a card that lists your name and phonetic pronunciation. DON’T LOSE THIS! You will present the card to the reader when it is time for your name to be announced.
Lining up (graduate programs):
- After check-in, find your graduate program.
- Line up in alphabetical order with the other graduates in your program.
- Staff and student marshals will direct the individual programs to line up in the correct order.
Lining up (undergraduate programs):
- Undergraduates will be organized into columns in rough alphabetical order, following directions from staff and student marshals. The student marshals wear gold/yellow sash with the words “STUDENT MARSHAL” on them. Please listen to them!
- Avoid getting out of line. We will be forming the procession earlier than you might expect.
The procession:
- Students will process down the steps of campus to the seating area on Page Terrace in front of Grafton library. The procession lines will be led by faculty marshals and student marshals.
- The student marshals will seat you in the correct section.
- Keep the procession moving!
The conferral of degrees:
Graduate students will be asked to rise by program affiliation (example: OT, MHA, MLitt, MBA, etc.)
- Student marshals will then direct you from your seats to the platform stairs. At the top of the steps you will hand your name card to the reader.
- As your name is called, walk across the stage to receive your scroll and be congratulated by the president.
- Grad students will then move to the hooding area of the platform. (BSN students will be pinned in the same area).
- You descend the steps at the far side of the platform. Student marshals will direct you back to the seats. (You may not end up in your same seat but will be in the same general area).
Undergraduate students will be asked to rise as a group for official conferral of degrees.
- Student marshals will direct you from your seats to the platform stairs. At the top of the steps you will hand your name card to the reader.
- As your name is called, walk across the stage to receive your scroll and be congratulated by the president.
- You descend the steps and will be directed on how to return to your seats. (You may not end up in your same seat but will be in the same general area).
What happens if I lose my name card?
- We will try to fix this while you are in the line to have your name read.
- One student marshal will have blank name cards and a pen.
- A student marshal will check your name against the graduation list.
- You will need to carefully and clearly write your name on the card. Add phonetic spelling if needed. (You will not be allowed to write your Latin Honors, if you have them).
What happens when I walk if I’m earning two degrees? (MHA/MBA, MSN/MHA, etc.)
Graduates who are earning two degrees at Commencement will choose which degree group they want to sit with and walk with during the ceremony. Their name will be called once and they’ll walk across the stage once.
The recessional
- Follow the student marshals!
- We will recess up the stairs to our right towards Hunt Hall (where we lined up). You may process in pairs or individually.
- The platform party and faculty will remain on Page Terrace.
- The procession will continue along the upper sidewalks in front of Hunt, Miller Chapel, and Hilltop. You may leave the procession once you’ve crossed in front of Hunt.
Diplomas will be mailed to graduates in mid to late June, so be sure your correct address is on file with the Registrar’s Office ( Questions regarding diplomas should also be directed to
All student accounts must be paid in full; MBU cannot release diplomas to students who have an outstanding balance on their account. Please email with your Student ID # if you have questions about your balance.