Each month, MBU’s medical/health and wellness navigator Christine Flory will share events, insights, and strategies on a variety of health-related topics with faculty and staff.
Scroll down for the latest health and wellness news, and reach out to Christine at x7167 or cmflory@marybaldwin.edu. Additional info is available on the MBU health and wellness website.
Did you miss our onsite health screenings?
You can still submit a PCP form from your doctor: PCP forms are available for download and secure upload.
Participants can access this form by logging into the WebMD Portal at webmdhealth.com/VPC. You can then click on the Biometric Screening Service card. This will redirect you to the Total Wellness landing page where you will see cards to download and upload the PCP forms.
PCP forms are available: 1/1/22-12/15/22
Allowable exam dates are: 1/1/22-12/15/22
Q4 wellness incentives
The deadline to earn Q4 wellness incentives is 12/15/2022! Log your incentives by following these easy steps:
- Visit this link: webmdhealth.com/VPC
- Hover over 3 horizontal lines
- Click on REWARDS under the three lines
- Click on Well by Choice Rewards
- Click on Quarter 4 incentives
Questions? Contact Christine at cmflory@marybaldwin.edu
Wellness Wednesdays
Join Simone McKelvey, director of student services at Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences, and myself for a monthly series called Wellness Wednesdays!
In this series, main campus and Murphy Deming collaborate monthly to provide you important information on a wellness topic via a short newsletter, so you can walk away with tangible and actionable tools.
View the recording of our October session on sleep.
In November, we discussed breathing, stress management, and mental health. Check out the video here.
Our December Wellness Wednesday “Walk This Way” will be on 12/7. Simone and Christine will discuss the importance of walking and NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) for stress management and achieving optimal health.
There will be a 5-minute video clip sent via the daily announcements digest on 12/7. (No on-site activity for December.)
Know the signs of stress
Stress can affect your well-being in ways you might not expect. To protect your health, learn to recognize stress before it harms you.
- Difficulty sleeping: Too much stress can make it hard to turn your brain off and fall asleep.
- Regular headaches: Stress can make you irritable and more prone to headaches.
- Upset stomach: High stress can interfere with how you digest food, helping to cause discomfort.
- Mood swings: Stress can cause you to become bothered more easily and more often.
- Food cravings: Stress can make you crave your favorite comfort foods.
Meditate for your well-being: meditation can be as simple as focusing on the moment while walking, cooking, or drawing.
Want to try traditional meditation? Follow the steps below.
- Get cozy: Sit or lie with your eyes closed.
- Breathe: Breathe naturally and focus on how air moves in and out of the body.
- Find your focus: If your mind wanders, acknowledge your thoughts, let them go and return your focus to your breath.
Anthem EAP webinars
To view a seminar on demand, go to anthemeap.com and enter your company code: MBU. You’ll find a link to these and other seminars on the homepage.
View the seminars on demand — anytime, anywhere. Submit a question and receive a response via email. Questions are logged in a FAQ section, so you have the ability to browse and learn from the questions of others.
- November: The Sandwich Generation at Work
- Find out some practical and effective strategies to balance your work and personal life as working caregivers in the sandwich generation.
- December: Stress Buster: Managing and Taking Control of Your Life
- Manage your stress in a healthier way and learn some strategies to take control of your life.
Additional Anthem EAP offerings
Read through this flyer to learn about the EAP benefits available to MBU employees, including counseling, legal and financial consultations, dependent care and daily living resources, and more.
Virtual yoga with Christine: For faculty/staff and students
We meet Fridays at 12-12:45 p.m. weekly. Use this link every week! These sessions will be recorded and shared with the MBU community.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 1948 9182
Passcode: 907286
1 646 558 8656