Wellness Happenings: April/May 2023

Each month, MBU’s medical/health and wellness navigator Christine Flory will share events, insights, and strategies on a variety of health-related topics with faculty and staff.

See below for the latest health and wellness news, and reach out to Christine at x7167 or cmflory@marybaldwin.edu. Additional info is available on the MBU health and wellness website.

Check out the schedule for MBU Wellness Week April 3 through 9, including a conversation on community gardening in Staunton, hip hop tai chi, mindful minutes, and more!

Quarter One Wellness Incentive

Earn Q1 Wellness Incentives by logging your incentives by following these easy steps. Deadline to earn Q1 incentives is 3/31/2023

  • Visit this link: https://webmdhealth.com/VPC/
  • Hover over 3 horizontal lines in the top right-hand corner
  • Click on REWARDS under the three lines
  • Scroll to view all the ways to earn
  • Click on a category to view options to earn 
  • Click on report completion to earn
  • Your points earned should be updated under q1 incentives

Questions? Contact Wellness Coordinator, Christine Flory at cmflory@marybaldwin.edu

Wellness Week

Wellness Week is coming! April 3 through 9, 2023 

Join us for a week long celebration as we take a deep dive into how to support all dimensions of your wellness.

Wellness Week schedule

LGBT Health Awareness Presentation

LGBT Health Awareness Presentation

MBU Walking Club Meet-Up

Walking Club meetup

Web MD Programs/Challenges

Intercollegiate Invitational: March 3 through May 10

What is The Invitational?

Physical fitness is important to one’s well-being. One way to improve your physical fitness is to keep active. The Invitational is a weekly team-based competition designed to help you improve your physical fitness, specifically the number of steps you take on a daily basis, while having fun.

You will be part of a five-person team that competes against a new team each week for five consecutive weeks. The team with the most steps each week is the weekly winner.

 Go here to register: webmdhealth.com/VPC

The invitational challenge


Anthem EAP Webinars

To view a seminar on demand, go to anthemeap.com and enter your company code: MBU

You’ll find a link to these and other on-demand seminars on the homepage.

Submit a question and receive a response via email. Questions are logged in a FAQ section, so you can browse and learn from the questions of others.

Attendee Link: Here
Audio conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Webinar Access Code:
Webinar Password: mjWuCBwG333

  • May Topic: Mental Health Impacts
    Date/Time: May 2, noon

Attendee Link: Here
Audio conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Webinar Access Code:
Webinar Password: xwWMNdhJ229 

Free Yoga Fridays

UPDATE! Free Yoga Fridays with Christine: For faculty/staff and students

We meet weekly via Zoom from noon to 12:45 p.m. on Fridays. 

Required: Sign up to join live! 

Must have a minimum of five participants to hold live class. Will still send a recording out weekly if minimums are not met.

Use this link every week! ALL LEVELS welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82419489182?pwd=VjFFZ1VOZ3lRWWxXUUtDNFAxdk5JQT09

Check Out the MBU Wellness Page

Find recordings for Wellness Wednesday workshops and all-levels yoga classes on the MBU wellness page.

Mark Your Calendar for Worldwide Wellness Events

Earth Day: April 22

National Bike Month: May 

Bike to Work Week: May 15 through 21

World No Tobacco Day: May 31