MBU in the News: March 2024

A selection of news stories and media mentions featuring Mary Baldwin University alumni, students, faculty, and staff from the month of March.

Dina Imbriani ’12 Named to Roanoker 20 over 50

Dina Imbriani ’12, the owner of Mountain Shepherd Adventure School, was recognized for her accomplishments in the Roanoke community.

“It took a while for Dina Imbriani to find her niche and to overcome a challenging childhood, but she did. Today she is a leader, a teacher, and a role model with her outdoor survival school in Craig County.”

Slemaker Reaches VP at Brown & Brown Insurance

Amanda Slemaker ’15 was recently promoted to vice president in her Miami-Dade office for Brown & Brown Insurance.

At MBU, Slemaker studied business administration and management.

Shakespeare and Performance Shoutout in Richmond Magazine

Richmond Magazine’s piece on Staunton, “A Gem in the Valley,” gave a shoutout to Mary Baldwin’s Shakespeare and Performance Program.

The article also highlights attractions in and around Staunton, which might be useful for alumni who are planning a visit!

Rand ’93 Leads Rejuvenation of North Carolina Downtown

Trish Gregory Rand ’93, now director of downtown Hertford, NC, has been extremely successful at developing this historic town.

Rand has served as director of Downtown Hertford since May 2023.