2024 Capstone Festival

A judge watches as a student presents her capstone project

Each year, seniors at Mary Baldwin University pick research, creative, or community engagement projects and work with faculty advisors, alumni, and partnering businesses, agencies, and organizations to bring them to life. 

Exemplary students are invited to share their results with the Mary Baldwin community at the annual pre-commencement Capstone Festival, which was held on April 22.

Best Social Sciences and Humanities Paper

Teegan Lewis
“A Comparative Analysis of the Awareness and Utilization of Department-Provided Mental Health Resources Amongst Sworn Police Officers”

Best Social Sciences and Humanities Poster

Matt Nocco
“Pitch Clock, Bigger Bases, and Banned Shifts; Analysis of MLB’s 2023 Rule Changes”

Best STEM Awards I

Lauryn Faulkner-Sitton
“Factors Affecting Cryptosporidium Infection in Cattle”

Lukas Brown
“Measuring the Effects of Temperature”

Best STEM Awards II

Chloe Beasley
“An Alternative Approach to Air Quality Measurement and Analysis Through the Development of a Mobile Arduino Multisensor”

Best Q-Awards

Olivia Gagne
“The Effects of Kernel Functions on Support Vector Machines for Handwritten Digit Recognition”

Anastasia Bunting
“LL-37 (CAMP) Gene Expression Induced by Vitamin D3”

Best Visual and Performing Arts Award

Maria Sarri
“Love and Longing Through Different Musical Genres”

Best High Impact Practice Award

Autumn Stipe
“Passion Project: Mental Health Curriculum Working With Low Income Teenagers”

Congratulations to the 2024 Capstone Festival award winners and all participants for their research, preparation, and presentations.