Ida B. Wells Living Learning Community
Named for the noted civil rights activist, suffragist, and journalist, the Ida B. Wells Living Learning Community is for first-year women of African descent. Members explore culture, identity, leadership, and civic engagement as the foundation for active participation in the university community.

About Us
The Ida B. Wells Living Learning Community is a unique academic and residential program designed to empower first-year women of African descent.
Together, participants celebrate their cultural identity and grow as community leaders. They also live together in campus housing for a truly immersive experience.
Accepted students with high GPAs and strong leadership potential are encouraged to apply!

Who Is Ida B. Wells?
Ida B. Wells was born enslaved in Mississippi in 1862. Freed by the Emancipation Proclamation as an infant, Wells grew up to become a renowned journalist. In this role, she combatted the violence and prejudice of Jim Crow era injustices and sexism. Wells became an early leader in the civil rights movement in America, co-founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Mary Baldwin’s Ida B. Wells Living Learning Community honors her legacy by encouraging African American students to excel academically, explore cultural identities, and become community leaders.
“I will cherish each lesson learned through the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Ida B. Wells Society as they have molded me into the woman I am today. I was given many opportunities to learn about my culture, sisterhood, and what it means to be a true leader.”
AdrieannaClass of ’21

What We Do
Ida B. Wells members are active leaders of the Mary Baldwin student body.
Members help plan the university’s annual Kwanzaa Celebration, a unique rite of incorporation that celebrates sisterhood, academic success, and cultural pride.
Other events include the biannual Sankofa Leadership Conference, the class quilt project, and Black Baby Doll Day. Ida B. Wells members are actively involved in community service projects that strengthen ties between MBU and the broader community.
Special Curriculum
All Ida B. Wells members are enrolled in two courses to launch them on a journey of cultural exploration.
Taught by the Director of Inclusive Excellence, this course addresses the transitional needs of first-year Ida B. Wells cohorts.
This course focuses on the African origin and African-American recreations of religions and sects. There is special emphasis on the liturgical and homiletical (preaching) traditions of black women and men, and the role of the slave church as a catalyst for civil rights in the contemporary black church. It also examines the evolution of womanist and black theological critiques and the counter-challenge of the black Muslim movement.

Live and Thrive Together
Members of Ida B. Wells live together in Tyson Hall. Here’s what to expect:
- Double occupancy rooms
- Full communal kitchen, TV room, and laundry facilities
- Special cultural programming and activities
Ready to Apply?
The Ida B. Wells Living Learning Community is open to applications from women of African descent who have already been accepted to Mary Baldwin. The application includes:
- One teacher recommendation
- A formal essay of 1,000 words or less
- An activities resume (e.g., extracurriculars, community service)
Once you’ve submitted your application, the Office of Inclusive Excellence will reach out to schedule an interview.
Yes! You will still participate in Signature. The only difference is that you’ll live with other members of Ida B. Wells instead of in one of the Neighborhood houses.
The Ida B. Wells community is there to support first-year students. After the first year, you can apply to the Umoja House & Cultural Center, which also has a residential component.
You can also become an Ubuntu mentor to incoming first-year women of African descent. After graduation, you can participate in the SistaFriends mentorship program providing support and guidance to MBU students.
The Ida B. Wells Honor Society was established to recognize the academic prowess of African American women at Mary Baldwin University. New inductees are introduced each year during the annual Kwanzaa Celebration. Young women are selected for their academic achievement, civic engagement, leadership, and their participation in programming through the Office of Inclusive Excellence.
The Honor Society hosts the annual IBW Legacy Tea event — a high tea party for all Ida B. Wells community members.
A semi-annual conference connecting African American and Latine students with MBU alumni to discuss leadership and success in a variety of career fields. This event empowers attendees to grow in effective communication, team building, problem-solving, and other key skills of leaders.

Contact Us
Destiny Woodall (she/her)
Director, Office of Inclusive Excellence
Instagram: @marybaldwinoie