Brand Assets

Inspired by our story and our values, the visual identity gives our brand a face and a tone of voice

MBU Logos

View and download our entire logo library


Prospectus Pro

Perfect for headlines, headings, anything you want to grab attention

Archivo Variable

Super-versatile and great for call-outs, sub-headings, and anywhere it’s convenient to be able to vary the width of the characters.


This is your work horse font perfect for body copy and anything and everything in between.


Light Brick

Hex #ffebc2


Hex #ffe394

Mary Gold

Hex #ffc212

Vintage Gold

Hex #e7b122


Hex #d1c7b5

Dark Mortar

Hex #B1A38A

Blue Stocking

Hex #1a428a

Dark Blue Stocking

Hex #102945

Soft Black

Hex #383839


Hex #151616


Hex #035D46

Dark Cadet

Hex #002C1D

Email Signature Instructions

View instructions for your email signature in MBU Gmail

MBU Letterhead

Download the official MBU Letterhead

Business Card Request

To complete your order for new BusinessCards:

  1. You log in here:
  2. Login with email and the password MBU123.
  3. You will need your departmental credit card to complete your order.

Graphic Design Request Form

Need a print or digital communication piece? Have a special design request? Submit a request to our design department