Physician Assistant

Important Dates and Deadlines

Getting Ready for Anatomy

Students have asked for tips on preparing for the rigorous anatomy course in the first semester. Here are a few suggestions:

Items to Pack for Courses

Medical Equipment List (Needed After Start of Classes)

MDCHS faculty will provide advice on suggested medical equipment. A medical equipment company representative will be here on the first week of class and will offer significant discounts to our students.

Medical List Recommended:


Mary Baldwin University’s online bookstore offers students the ability to order books in all formats available (new, used, rent, e-book) at competitive prices. Books can be ordered at the Mary Baldwin Online Bookstore or any bookseller once the booklist is available. Our professors note when books may be rented or purchased. Professors also offer free e-book options, when available.

Class Schedule


Mandatory Orientation information will be available soon!

Please bring:

Student Health Center Information

Student Health Center Services and Fees